Thursday, December 30, 2010
Updates on Larry's Website- !!!
*whew...! I'm sure many know what is involved once that decision to add pages, update, prep images to your website is made...not to mention dusting off the ole "html" knowledge base...and while not completely finished, am happy to announce finally the site is worthy once more to represent me and my work!
Old school design to some degree, but the time to learn fancy java scripting and all that is possible just doesn't fit with the irons in my fire right now. I have added several "recent" plein air pages now, several in-studio painting pages as well, introduced a link for my portraits and figures. The first page of the recent plein airs has the hyperlinks working to bring up larger image views with descriptions, and takes me about 1-1/2 hours to do one whole page of will reserve time another day to work on finishing all that, but do hope my friends and visitors will take a moment to check it out.
The image above is hyperlinked to take you there! Enjoy...
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Good time had...December Arts Happening
Sure we'll get some more pictures, but here are a few to prime pump start...great food..glasses of cheer, warm and friendly folks...
Chatting with folks recently aware of our events and presence last night too...came as an opportunity once more to share the vision, and reference to the growing popularity on the East and West coasts...where artists more and more are setting up public events or special guests (usually means paying to attend) at their own homes, apartment or studio flats, and so forth. Even well known musician's throwing together an evening's gig...guest performers showing up incognito, plenty of food and fun. A unique "dang...shoulda been there" thing...and I believe that is definitely the sentiments shared again and again.
Earlier in this blog...I shared links to that growing trend, and a bit of some history...called, "Imagine It...and They Will Come"
check it out...
Chatting with folks recently aware of our events and presence last night too...came as an opportunity once more to share the vision, and reference to the growing popularity on the East and West coasts...where artists more and more are setting up public events or special guests (usually means paying to attend) at their own homes, apartment or studio flats, and so forth. Even well known musician's throwing together an evening's gig...guest performers showing up incognito, plenty of food and fun. A unique "dang...shoulda been there" thing...and I believe that is definitely the sentiments shared again and again.
Earlier in this blog...I shared links to that growing trend, and a bit of some history...called, "Imagine It...and They Will Come"
check it out...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Holiday Arts Happening December 4!
You are invited to the
WAC-Wabeno Arts Consortium
Holiday Arts Happening
Great Art, Food and Music
Saturday, December 4, 2010,
Featuring NEW work by
Paintings, Floorscapes
Tablescapes and more
Reception 3-7 PM
Big Easel Gallery
Hwy 32 and Maple Ave
By the big easels in Wabeno
Arts Happening from 3-7 PM with local artists Dale Keller, Larry Seiler, Steve Wysocki, Jimmy Koch, Margaret Gerhard and others
Sunday, October 24, 2010
October 16's Art Soiree- Featuring the fine Pottery of Dale Keller
Once more, the hap hap happenin' place to be in NE Wisconsin proved to be in Wabeno on this Saturday event, from 3pm to 7pm...with great foods, spirits, cheer, and fine art works from the consortiums growing number of artists. Featured for this event was Dale Keller, art instructor for Wabeno and his very fine pottery...
There were many fine set ups of Dale's work throughout the home of Tim and Connie Friesen, or what I like to call the "Art House"...and here to follow a few more-
Word of the event and events has been spreading, thru this blog...word of mouth, and postcards produced by Dale...and attendance was fantastic!
...and weather was fine enough that patrons enjoyed the porch and steps environment as well...talking art and catchin' up on everything exciting!
...and as typical, you never know what kind of music will be on hand, more and more musicians showing up...bringing instruments, from an ebo bass...dulcimer, guitars, cajon, djembe...on and on...festive in the traditions of world music...
Next Soiree event will feature artist Connie Friesen, her many works including the floorscapes that are gaining a lot of notoriety and attention...visit back for updates and information!
There were many fine set ups of Dale's work throughout the home of Tim and Connie Friesen, or what I like to call the "Art House"...and here to follow a few more-
Word of the event and events has been spreading, thru this blog...word of mouth, and postcards produced by Dale...and attendance was fantastic!
...and weather was fine enough that patrons enjoyed the porch and steps environment as well...talking art and catchin' up on everything exciting!
...and as typical, you never know what kind of music will be on hand, more and more musicians showing up...bringing instruments, from an ebo bass...dulcimer, guitars, cajon, djembe...on and on...festive in the traditions of world music...
Next Soiree event will feature artist Connie Friesen, her many works including the floorscapes that are gaining a lot of notoriety and attention...visit back for updates and information!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Weekend Plein Air Workshop...with Larry Seiler
Steve Beaubien, from Park Rapids, MN...drove nearly 370 miles this past weekend to take one on one instruction with Larry, spending Saturday at Strong Falls in Goodman Park, and Sunday at Long Slide Falls in the morning, finishing at Piers Gorge in the afternoon.
The event started really with a wonderful dinner at Tim and Connie's...and Steve is shown here to the far near right (blue striped shirt) with that really "happy to be here" look. And he was!
Just a couple more pictures, but if you want to see more details on the workshop, pictures of sites painted...demos and such go to Larry's blog post">Past Weekend Workshop
Here Steve painting at the base of Long Slide Falls...about a 220 yard trek down hill carrying a good bit of gear, walking sticks certainly helped!
Larry painted a number of demos and exercises...this was his last on Sunday, 8"x 10" on linen of Piers Gorge-
The event started really with a wonderful dinner at Tim and Connie's...and Steve is shown here to the far near right (blue striped shirt) with that really "happy to be here" look. And he was!
Just a couple more pictures, but if you want to see more details on the workshop, pictures of sites painted...demos and such go to Larry's blog post">Past Weekend Workshop
Here Steve painting at the base of Long Slide Falls...about a 220 yard trek down hill carrying a good bit of gear, walking sticks certainly helped!
Larry painted a number of demos and exercises...this was his last on Sunday, 8"x 10" on linen of Piers Gorge-
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Pizza and Bread outdoor Earth Oven!!!
so...what do artistic types do in their supposed FREE time? What??? As if creativity were like a faucet one could just turn off or on?
So...I go over to Tim and Connie's one day...and they had just gone to some local area where clay was literally in the ground and brought a bunch home. I hear the news they are building an outdoor earth oven...planning to make pizzas and breads.
Okay...I'm not thrown for a curve, because well...isn't this what one comes to expect hanging around artsy friends??? As an artist/musician type myself, I totally instead I'm like..."really? Wow...!!! Cool!!! will this work???"
So...if you follow our blog of the arts that happen here in the north woods of Wisconsin, I wonder how many have one day just decided to get a bunch of clay and build an outdoor oven? One thing is connects with a long history of many indigenous cultures doing something like this!!!
Sand is used to help create the shape...and clay is packed over it...later the sand all removed...which I believe Connie is seen working on here, leavng a nice clay shell.
A good fire going inside!!!
Yummm sitting in the hot hot coals...on tiles
Dale delightfully takes on the task of cutting the pizza...!!! Success!
A couple more pics added here...the bread is phenomenal, and Tim is on to a great flour/recipe...first getting the fire good and hot, about an hour Tim says, roughly 450-500 degrees...
The bread has wonderful texture, and is amazingly good, just about better than any I can recollect...and to think, from a mound of clay!!!
Gettin' er stoked up!!!
Look at that!!!!
Check out that texture and crust...and believe me, this is so so good!!!
So...I go over to Tim and Connie's one day...and they had just gone to some local area where clay was literally in the ground and brought a bunch home. I hear the news they are building an outdoor earth oven...planning to make pizzas and breads.
Okay...I'm not thrown for a curve, because well...isn't this what one comes to expect hanging around artsy friends??? As an artist/musician type myself, I totally instead I'm like..."really? Wow...!!! Cool!!! will this work???"
So...if you follow our blog of the arts that happen here in the north woods of Wisconsin, I wonder how many have one day just decided to get a bunch of clay and build an outdoor oven? One thing is connects with a long history of many indigenous cultures doing something like this!!!
A good fire going inside!!!
Yummm sitting in the hot hot coals...on tiles
Dale delightfully takes on the task of cutting the pizza...!!! Success!
A couple more pics added here...the bread is phenomenal, and Tim is on to a great flour/recipe...first getting the fire good and hot, about an hour Tim says, roughly 450-500 degrees...
The bread has wonderful texture, and is amazingly good, just about better than any I can recollect...and to think, from a mound of clay!!!
Gettin' er stoked up!!!
Look at that!!!!
Check out that texture and crust...and believe me, this is so so good!!!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Flying Pig Gallery Greenspace- Plein Air event...
Yesterday proved to be most interesting and worth the near 300 mile round trip, to the The Flying Pig Gallery & Greenspace
....located in Algoma, the base of the peninsula thumb that juts out dividing two bodies of water meeting at the tip, the bay of Green Bay, and Lake Michigan. Algoma, is nestled along the west shores of Lake Michigan. Celebrated artist/designer Susan Murtaugh and a number of digital artists converged upon the gallery space with ipods and ipads in hand...digitally painting plein air.
Steve Wysocki and myself, received invitation as did a number of other traditional painters of plein air, to attend...set up and paint. Steve has a number of works on exhibit at the Flying Pig Gallery, as well as does our very own Connie Friesen with her floorscapes.
Steve Wysocki and myself, received invitation as did a number of other traditional painters of plein air, to attend...set up and paint. Steve has a number of works on exhibit at the Flying Pig Gallery, as well as does our very own Connie Friesen with her floorscapes.
Susan Murtaugh, printing off one of her plein air efforts of the day...(click on her name to see examples of her work on flicker)
Here is artist Steve Wysocki from the Armstrong Creek (NE Wisconsin) area, along side his very colorful expressive efforts, which seemed quite popular with attendees-
Larry, arrived a few hours after the event got started...and with thunderstorms coming into the play of things sometime in the later afternoon, elected on a smaller 12"x 9" format primed board, and set up looking at this view-
Resulting in this 12"x 9" effort-
Remember that clicking on images brings up a larger view...
Here is artist Steve Wysocki from the Armstrong Creek (NE Wisconsin) area, along side his very colorful expressive efforts, which seemed quite popular with attendees-
Larry, arrived a few hours after the event got started...and with thunderstorms coming into the play of things sometime in the later afternoon, elected on a smaller 12"x 9" format primed board, and set up looking at this view-
Resulting in this 12"x 9" effort-
Remember that clicking on images brings up a larger view...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
July 3 2010 Art's Happening
Dear Friends: The next Art's Happening will be on July 3rd, 10AM-4PM...come to experience and buy amazing art works by the finest North Woods artists: Connie Friesen, Dale Keller, Larry Seiler, Steve Wysocki, James Koch and new to our group Sheila Duffy from Appleton, WI; poems by Elizabeth Couillard; music by Who Showed Up; Sign up for upcoming Painting and Pottery Workshops; great food and much more...Highway 32 at Maple Avenue...can't miss the big easels...Come Check It Out!!!!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
First Soiree/Happening of the Year!!!
This past Saturday was our first arts happening this
year...and it is becoming apparent that growth is
taking place. New artist vendors, reporters on hand
to take photos, write stories...and a momentum
appears to be under way.
Arts Happening Grounds
Connie's Floorscapes and wonderful home interior!
Steve works on a painting
Dale, the master potter arranges his work...
Connie's outdoor display...
Donny and Aaron providing some music entertainment
Dale's tent...and was throwing pots on site!
Larry zoning off in another world...oblivious! can see even for the first soiree/arts happening of the year much was happening, and well worth the time to travel and take in here in Wisconsin's northwoods region...
as always, clicking on images brings up larger view to enjoy...
as always, clicking on images brings up larger view to enjoy...
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Three Weekend Dates- Plein Air Workshop at Goodman County Park
Consortium member, Larry Seiler is offering three weekend plein air workshops here in our NE Wisconsin area, and you might consider taking one of the summer workshops...but then coming back for the color of the October fall season! Those dates are July 24-25; Aug 21-22; and Oct 9-10
Our workshop location- Goodman County, as described by the county park department-
Goodman Park has a 15-site campground on the Peshtigo River in the heart of the Marinette County Forest. The campground has firewood for sale, vault toilets, a dump station, and a potable water tower for campers. Water is also available at a hand pump. A large group campsite is available by reservation. Also available by reservation is an enclosed, log day use lodge and a cabin available for overnight stays.
Visit Larry's blog, "Painting From Life" - Goodman County Park workshop
For more information, dates, costs...fees...
Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter at the Friesens...
We had a wonderful time, once more we many
gathering at the home and good graces of Tim
and Connie. Wonderful food, bit of music,
laughs and cheer...
Quite unexpected...the Easter Bunny paid us
a visit...but, geez, this one was spoutin'
and spewin' venom. Apparently not happy with
his union rep, having to work on the holidays
and so forth. Certainly one bad a-- bunny!
He was just tossin' eggs around, here..there
no need to hunt for them. had
to look out and dodge them!!!And if you thought the white rabbit fast in Alice in Wonderland, I had a heck of a time just trying to get a camera on this character!!! quick as he had appeared,he was out
the door...complainin'...threatening once more
to get even with his union rep!
Crazy...where do they get such bunnies these days?
On a later, calmer note...following dinner...Tim is
caught cradling, enjoying the finer moments of life
lived...that of being a grand dad!!! Precious littleMariah-
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Consortium Artist Jim Koch...shares his art and thoughts at Laona HS

We were most blessed today to have local Californian artist Jim Koch visit art students here at our school today. Long time resident of Laguna Beach, California and Newald, graduate of Laona High School 1969...sharing and talking about his unique art of welded sculptures. The students were most appreciative and intrigued...Thank you so much Mr. Koch!!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
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